Marriage is love and not a war

Veröffentlicht am 30. Dezember 2018 um 06:13

There is a campaign which is titled as"Ndoa ni upendo na sio vita", which means marriage is"love and not awar".  I 100% support  the idea of
 having such campaign.
Some people says:  "everything thing matters
when it comes to you" . Other women or men may not understand what does the campaign have to do with our standards of living, but for those went
through tuff marriages or relationships  have a clear understanding.

From the picture below,  its me in 2005 (somey ears ago) with my siblings and mom. I was a young girl who mostly depended on parents. It was very hard for us seeing our mother is suffering from being beaten with her husband.  For sure, if itwasn't her children to scream out for help we wouldn't have her forever. Me being a young girl I wasn't able to fight back and even destroy the knocked door tohelp my mother to run, than screaming for help untill people came. Its me as a young girl had to sleep while standing at the hospital, its me as young girl had to explain at police station over what had happened since my mother was half dead, its me had to cry untill day7 when she couldn't sit down alone 😭.  I have this image with me and I thank God that he made the life of my mother untill now.


Dear women and Men let us stopviolence against each other. Let love take over everything  than  fight. Fighting a women doesn't give a credit tohappier life than life full of complains and destruction. When a father destroys moms body either by cutting out a leg, hand or whatever the once suffering the most are the children, since mum in  Africa is impant than anything else.Mum would cook for you, clean for you, teach you, carry you, farm for you. So when she have one leg nothing else willgo on.  We have so many stories to tell but the impoant thing is let love each other and fight for each and not one another.

Let our kids have good memories in their lives, let we plant love to our babies.

Educated girls, boys, women and men please let we help the counsidewomens by supporting them with little education to realize the value of being awomen and spread out love to eachother. 💕✊🌻😘.

This story brought the Muwezeshe Mama Project



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