shali's kitchen

I like to spend time at the kitchen.

would you would like to try swahili food? here i am to make sure you enjoy the Tanzanian cuisine.

Do you have a min event and you need catering services? I am your parter at your event and I will be so happy to offer you a full service.


Swahili plate

Gebratene Banane, Erbsen, Tansanischer Salat, Kokos Reis, Rind Fleisch/Bohnen. 

Brown chapati with beans source/ chapati plain

Ugali with vegetabes from my garden

and fried fish


coconut cassava(Kokos Manioc) /

Gebratene Manioc

Tanzania tea spice (chai) 

Zutaten: Schwarzer Tee, Kardamon,

Nelken, Zimtstangen,Muskatnuss, Ingwer, und schwarzer Pfeffer alles gemischt. 

Kaufen 👉🏾 Tansanischer Gewürz Tee

Für das recept Schauen Sie hier 👉🏾 Chai masala   




Maandazi (sweet)


Gebratene Bananen
